Hello, guys. MissTainted back, and I'm here to bring you some more great, new music.
Today, I will be reviewing the music of True Holland, a pop rock band from Seattle, Washington. Check out their music here, and check out the review below!
'What we promise is rock in it's truest form, as hard as we possible can. Long live the dawn of modern music. We'll see you at the start.'
True Holland is a pop rock band from Seattle, Washington. They are made up of:
Brandon Eisenbies - Vocals & guitar
Justin McDonald - Bass
Dan Bach - Drums
Dave Orton - Guitar
True Holland formed in 2010, in Gig Harbor, WA. After teaming up with producer Casey Bates, the band released an EP in 2011, and then began touring nonstop. Because of this, they have developed a loyal fanbase. They pride themselves in playing an all-original set and not playing covers. They also hope to release new material in the upcoming year.
Upon first listen to the band - and watching the extremely professional music video for 'Heavy' - I am surprised I do not hear them everywhere.
Their sounds are of the highest quality - production-wise speaking, of course. It's always great to see a band put together an album of music that is not just crafted professionally, but recorded professionally, giving a better sound to what is already great.
The vocals of Brandon Eisenbies are clear, and he does a great job at bringing the lyrics to life. The lyrics and tunes are quite catchy, though not annoyingly so.
The musicians of True Holland certainly know what they're doing. The musicians almost seem to play flawlessly, true professionals at what they do. They rock, simply put. They rock. Their sound will reel you in, and keep you begging for more. You will break the replay button.
Though they rock out hard, not hard enough to lose people, their message, and their meaning in the shuffle.
Check out True Holland today!
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